Nomex Filter Bag

  • High Temperature resistance / Flame resistance
  • Resists flexing and abrasion
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Minimum pressure drop and emission level
  • Singeing, calendering, heat setting, anti-static, water & oil repellent, PTFE membrane, PTFE impregnation and other special treatments.
  • Applications: Asphalt Plant, Cement Plant, Kiln And Clinker, Steel Plant, Incineration and other high temperature flue gas filtration industries.


Nomex is a fire-resistant material and have inherent protection against acid and alkali materials. It offers one of the best economical filtration system because it require less filter area for an equal gas volume and has a long-wearing life. The most effective use of Nomex filter bag is in hot gas filtration systems where effluent temperature are around 200℃.

As a renowned manufacturer of Nomex Filter Bags, InFil uses high-grade raw materials . The Nomex Filter Bags have excellent chemical resistance (acidic and alkali), lesser heat shrinkage and pressure drop. Singeing, Calendering, Heat Setting, Anti-static, Water & Oil Repellent, PTFE Membrane, PTFE Impregnation and other special treatments can be chosen.

With these good performances, Nomex filter media is widely used in steel industry, carbon black industry, asphalt-mixing, non-ferrous metal smelting, ceramics, glass, kiln, cement industry, steel blast and high temperature flue gas filtration industries.